And I could get so romantic tonight....

moonlight becomes you, it goes with your hair?

I used to sing that, in the same way that I sung, "I'll never forget, the smell of the Sweat beneath your arm pits". I thought it was just nonsense can moonlight go with your hair? Your hair is in the sky? floaty? white? full of craters? Luminous?

Oh dearie me.

the moon rose this afternoon about 4.... if not 3.30. Himself and myself had lazy day today... we didn't wake up til 11. Lovely. I like sleeping.

I ran outside, because I wanted to capture the lovely pinkness of the sky, and the creaminess of the moon. Could I get the camera to set? No I could not.

I tried with my iPhone, because I saw a funny video about using binoculars with your iphone to get a distant shot. :-) Didn't work either, couldn't find flipping hole.

Decided to read the instructions on line, and took myself back outside, in to the FREEZING cold, with my shawl on and took some more under the guidance of the Interweb.


So anyway, beautiful moon, I stood in the cold, and looked at it just hanging there - is amazing isn't it. Just sits there, dangling in the sky, moving across the sky, disappearing behind the horizon. Then coming up again.

I'd love to see round the other side.

I'm sure they are hiding something from us.


happy birthday Lindylou

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