Kernow Collie's Christmas Party

Yesterday Ann told me I was going somewhere really exciting.  Do you want to know where I’ve been?................................  I’ve been to the Kernow Collie's Christmas Party.  It was such fun!

First we all met on the beach so that we could have a good run about and a play together.  I think I was the oldest collie there, so I didn’t do as much running as the youngsters, but I still had a really good time.  I’m a very sociable little collie and my tail never stopped wagging, though I do like just pottering about doing my own thing.

Then we all went for a little walk around town and ended up at the 'Golden Lion' so that our humans could have a big roast lunch.  I don’t like to boast; but do you want to know what Ann said to me when we got home?.........................  She said, ‘Molly, your behaviour in the 'Golden Lion' was perfect.  I think you were the best behaved little collie there.’  A lot of the other collies were wandering around barking but I just lay down and kept quiet.

And after the humans had finished lunch, do you know what happened?.....................  All of us gorgeous little collies, got a Christmas present.  The humans put all the pressies on a table and we took it in turns to go and choose one.  I got a squeaky monkey but I swapped it with another collie for a squeaky bone because I liked that better.

Home now and I’m having a snooze (& so is Ann!).  At one point there must have been 20 collies playing on the beach.  Keeping an eye on that many collies is exhausting. 

.................But, I’ve had such a fun day.  I’m such a lucky little collie.

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