Joe's Blips

By joesblips


Spent an relaxing hour down the coast at Cahore this afternoon concentrating on longish exposures. No rain and hardly any wind. A minor miracle on a day when half the country is mopping up after yesterday.

And now for the answer to the riddle of the home made filter.
"Inspector", you got it right! I simply took an old wide angle lens hood and a piece of a ladies stocking (black). Stretching the stocking over the back of the hood and overlapping well down the sides I then went around the full circle dropping spots of super glue along the way. Waited until set and trimmed off the excess. Voila! A shadow diffusion filter. Popular technique when using film or when printing in the darkroom. The shadows diffuse into the highlights whereas in  Photoshop.... Filter.....Distort....Diffuse Glow does the opposite. It diffuses the highlights into the shadows. Of course, shadow diffusion can be done in Photoshop too. If you want to know how just ask and I'll explain the pretty simple steps but making your own filter is much more fun.
Of course you can use any kind of a ring to hold the nylon. Probably the best would be an embroidery ring. One piece of advice though. Get the finest piece of nylon you can lay hands on. I used 15 denier which is a little bit coarse. Try 5 denier if you can get it.

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