Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Yawning Monk!

Well, 10 hours in Dubai Airport passed. We eventually found spare reclining seats, and I did snooze for an hour or two. I then spent a good hour or two just people watching.

Many Muslim women head to toe in burkas, even with black gloves on! There was one woman who had a whole piece of black material over her head, no slit for eyes, but she could obviously see shapes so that she didn't bump into things. I could see she had a cellphone at her ear under the burka. Another lady was a bit of a rebel, and she had a silky, tight fitting, figure hugging 'burka', although I think that might be an oxymoron.

When I realised I could sit with my camera on my knee and just take photos, it was immense fun. Time flew.

No upgrades. :-((

But this big airbus on the next leg is much better. You actually have room to eat without your elbows stuck to your sides. 14 hours and it's freezing cold - so I have two blankets and my hat on!

The expected stopover in Kuala Lumpur did not happen. whoopee!

Just arrived in Sydney, 9am local time, and wifi again. Jet lagged, but ready for action!

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