One for the family history book

This is the Akeroyd family grave in Castleford.  SHH was named after his Uncle Robert whose war grave this is.  This Robert died in a training accident in the war somewhere over Norfolk as far as we know.  He died when his only daughter was a few months old.  SHH's twin brother was named after their father, John, who died 2 months before the twins were born.  The women of the Akeroyd clan were much more long lived.

We went to collect a tea set I have acquired for Dementia Tea parties via Ebay from Barnsley so it seemed a good time to go to Castleford too.  Just check up that the grave hasn't disappeared into the earth totally.

I am pleased to report that I have made my pledge to Blip future.

I am sad to see ruined furniture sitting outside on the street for my friends in the North...

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