Wedding Bells

A wedding in November to keep us on the up and up until Christmas. Congratulations go to the happy couple as Steph makes an honest man out of Rab.

I'm just glad I didn't sleep in (which meant Steph made the hair appointment in town), or that the car didn't break down (which meant the bride and groom got to the ceremony on time...(just...I'm blaming first time chauferess nerves for my wrong turn off the Haudagain)...and that I found a parking space nearby once I'd dropped them (which meant I didn't miss the ceremony). 

There is something about listening to other people make their vows that makes you reach out to the person beside you and squeeze their hand.  Luckily, the person beside me was Dave and not a complete stranger. 

Sam headed off with the boys to play xbox afterward the meal while Tess stayed to watch the adults get more and more merry. Some were very, very, very merry, but all seemed happy, particularly...and most importantly....the bride and groom.

Took a very weary guest home, then returned for Dave just after the witching hour after he had made all the guests do Blue Steel photos, as Dave was very, very merry too.

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