Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

And We'll Look Upon the World as Gods

These are the Main Street Suits. Educate yourselves.

They performed in Poughkeepsie and I went as their photographer. They played a show with the Misfits, pretty exciting if you ask me.

It's been a bit lonely this weekend. It's mid-semester break right now so everyone is home. Not exactly the best timing in the world, but hey, I got to go to a concert for free and get to know the band as well as hang out with one of my best friends from home. You know her well if you follow my blog. She is like a sister to me. That's right: Alyssa!

And in case you weren't in my head, which chances are you weren't, that last little part was spoken very Bob Barker/game show host-esque.

Other than the show though, it's very calm and quiet in my life. It is nice to be able to take a break from everyone though. Not that I don't love my suitemates, I just like the alone time to unwind every once and a while.

"Just in case they're wondering, they've got us pinned terribly."

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