Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Dance Like You Mean It

The Marist Dance Ensemble's Fall Recital is coming up soon. I went to help out shooting for MCTV. Last semester my roommate choreographed a dance and she was in it last Fall so I figured why not help out and see what all the hype is about.

These girls are very impressive. It takes a surprising amount of skill to be able to control your body as well as they do. I took a lot of pictures, but with the crappy lighting in the fitness center, I was lucky to have gotten a shot as good as this and yes, I know this has shit quality. Haha.

But seriously. I tried ballet once for literally a day and I have a lot of respect for the people who can do it. All songs in the recital are choreographed by student dancers and let's just say sometimes you can tell and sometimes you would have never guessed.

Expression is a wonderful thing. Whether it is through body movements or through the eye of a lens, it describes life through a different medium. And with each medium there is a different lesson and different perspective. We take for granted the simpler things in life. That is why there are drug addicted artists living in boxes and starving dancers struggling to make ends meet. The dream of making it big with the American Dream forces people to do crazy things and arguably stupid things. But who am I to talk? I'm the one studying film at a tiny liberal arts college on the Hudson River.

"Literally anything can happen in your dreams."

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