The Walk of Hamish's Hat....

Hamish and John came down for a wee walk.    I wasn't too sure how the ground would be and there were certainly places where we had to make big detours through our new lake district!     We walked to Innerleithen from Cardrona and headed into the Whistle Stop Cafe for a bacon and black pudding roll and coffee - fine healthy stuff.

Then Hamish said - "why don't we walk on to Walkerburn and get the bus back to Cardrona from there?'"   Fair enough.   The river looks quite different when it is up almost parallel with the ankles.   The banks were strewn with turnips, washed out of a field two miles upstream.

We got to Walkerburn and off to the Caberstone Cafe for a piece of their famous cake and tea.   Then Hamish discovered that he had left his hat back in Innerleithen.   So why didn't we just walk back and get the bus from there to the car?     We set off up the other side of the Tweed, having to stick to high ground.  Then suddenly the heavens were opening and we were soaked to the skin over a long two miles trudge.

BUT, back at Innerleithen, hat retrieved, bus back to Cardrona, into Hamish's new (old) Jag and home.    And it was actually a brilliant day.

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