Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Me and my trolley.

Yesterday morning was very hectic. Lorenzo and Alessandro the Titch were dropped off at our house  at 07.15am. 
I helped Lorenzo with his english homework while A played cards with Nonno, until it was time for  Nonno to drive them to school on his way to work. 
As luck would have it, A. had left his school bag behind, (my fault, he is only a kid) so Nonno very kindly made a rushed drive back home to pick it up. 
Alessandro suggested that since  he was certainly going to be late for school, Nonno might as well call his dad to say that he was sick and couldn't go to school and could therefore spend the day with  Nonno instead, probaby playing cards all day I imagine. 
Any way, he wasn't late for school and Nonno had a very busy day at work. 
I had some medical issues to sort out and with a bit of luck it will finally settled by tomorrow.
Today, I've been told that the very same Alessandro the Titch joined his  mother in an electrical supplies store which had a very high counter and stools. He climbed up on a stool and said in his very clear, authoritative voice, "What, no drinks yet, no aperiifs, not even peanuts!"  He is a natural comedian.
The blip is me coming home from the market with my shopping trolley. I'm not in good form today and had to stop for a minute or two for a rest on the way.


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