A very public convenience!!

Also very cold and draughty!!! If you need some privacy you can always hop into the skip and the only people likely to see you are the Red Arrows pilots overhead.

One of those days that didn’t feel as though it was going to be productive, but was in the end.

A chap turned up to remove the large very full skip and leave a small one. He initially parked the new one on the gravel garden, narrowly missing my plants, but he moved it when asked nicely (by me).

The carpenter arrived to build me a cupboard in the downstairs loo. It was all planned from the outset, but this chap (another Richard……a popular name amongst the “visitors”) wanted to make sure I was getting exactly what I had specified. It was all measured, checked and checked again!! (extra photo)

I didn’t realise that the back of the cupboard was not boarded and was the original wall. So this evening I have painted it white to blend in. There is another shelf to be fitted, so pleased it wasn’t there tonight as it made life easier for me.

The girls are here for another night. They slept well last night and have enjoyed / hated in equal measures all the activities in the house today. Pippa was impressed and happy with the sleeping area in the kennel, but Lottie was too busy wanting to be part of the activities in the garden to settle. We will have another mini session tomorrow.

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