Hot Off The Press

It’s the moment of truth maybe, yet always a great feeling when you can hold the latest publication you have steered through a month of preparation to production and can actually have the booklet in your hands.
On The Water is one of two end-of-year publications produced for members and aims to profile the Club and its activities both on and off the water within 52-pages.
When you live with a magazine from initial planning through arranging photography, and the commissioning of editorial from club members and staff on all the things that they and the Club will be providing in the months ahead, you could be forgiven for taking a jaundiced view that you know precisely its content and on which pages.
Yet even after years in the business the thrill of actually having the feel of the magazine or booklet in your hands, is something I wouldn’t miss for the world  Yes, it is produced on computer and uses all the publishing technology available, but when you’ve spent a lifetime producing and living by the printed word, you realise that hi-tec electronic publication cannot beat the smell and feel of a traditional newspaper, magazine, even a complete book, produced and printed on paper.
The world of publishing has changed beyond recognition since I was a young reporter on a weekly newspaper many years ago. One thing that will never change for me is the thrill of actually holding your finished publication when it comes off the press.

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