Work at da Market

There was a lot of wind through the night and this morning, along with wintery showers.  It eased through the day but still windy, and we've had some thunder and lightning.

I've been working on the museum desk all day.  I had to pick up some errands this morning, wirked in fine with the quiet morning.  This afternoon was spent getting my exhibition sorted.  I'm nearly there but the final touches to be done in the morning.  Me and Sammy have managed a few walks, well dodging the showers and mam popped by for a cuppa too.  A lazy night with the telly :)

My morning walk in over to Da Street to pick up the photo orders took me by the fish market.  This three cheery chaps stopped me on my travels for a yarn.  After a quick catch up, off I went again.  Pictured L-R - Robert Halcrow, Neil Adamson  (both Cunningsburgh) and my 1st cousin James Hunter (Scalloway).  Taken at the Lerwick Fish Market.  

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