Flower Friday

I bought these to take to a friend, Jenny's sister, whose partner's funeral it was this morning, up in the Borders. The service was in Linton Kirk, where Elspeth's father was minister and where she and Jenny lived in the manse as children. But I wasn't able to go - the local Facebook site warned of cars off the road near Cragside, and that the A697 was blocked due to an accident. There was black ice, and it was treacherous, so I decided it would be silly to try. I wanted to be there, and feel rotten about not going.

Mr C left no message regarding his expected return time, and has not been been in touch since he left for Ethiopia, so I phoned the trekking company to find out when his flight was due in. It appears he arrives on Sunday morning, so I'll stay the night at #2 daughter's after Thomas's birthday party tomorrow, to be available to pick up the wanderer.

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