Big sky (Day 218)

The wind eased overnight, but frequent nasty hail and rain showers swept across us this morning. I had stuff to do in town whilst my beautiful wife headed to Stromness to do horsey stuff (and hopefully not crash this time).
We both arrived home at lunchtime and headed to Brodgar for a wander with the dogs. The weather was reasonably kind, only raining when our backs were to the wind. On the way back to the car the sun came out for a little while and we were rewarded with stunning skies.
Wheeliebloke came up with the challenge topic today - "valuable". You will no doubt wonder what is valuable about this pic. I am not wealthy and the tangible "things" which I do own are not that valuable. I thought about blipping the pile of scrap metal I got rid of in town this morning, but I forgot to take a picture of it before I traded it for beer tokens. Lukearse had stipulated that we weren't allowed to blip anything living, so HV and the dogs were ruled out. The most valuable thing I have is the place I live, and the people I have around me. Today's blue sky was a very welcome change from the grim greyness which has afflicted us for too long.

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