Cathedral (day 219)

My beautiful wife and I had a lovely evening with my folks and friends who had invited us for dinner last night. This morning there was a bit of a slow start for everyone at mum and dad's house, but the weather was beautiful. No wind and clear skies. There was even a touch of frost which is really unusual.
HV and I are looking after Evie the Wonderdog for a few days and we took the three dogs to Waulkmill bay where the tide was on the way out. A flock of cormorants was diving into the water about half a mile offshore. The air was so still we could hear them hitting the water.
After dropping the dogs at home, HV and I braved Tesco, then spent a little while in town getting shots for today's blip. I have always liked the Cathedral, and it looks great lit up at night.
The 3 bob challenge for the day is illumination, dreamed up by HV. I reckon this fits the bill.
Wheeliebloke reckoned last night that he had a good idea of what he would blip today...

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