Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Sunrays and sundog

A faint sundog (small rainbow in the sky) on the left of the thumbnail. The rays of light over the paps of Jura caught my eye too. No camera today i was worried it would get wet in the heavy hail/rain showers.

Spent most of the day getting in the in calf cows off the hill at the farm where we manage the livestock. One large group were waiting by one of the hill parks. The next group were further out and only had one needing to come in. Then we split up and i walked with Breagh, Pip and Dris round the shore to the fishing village and husband went the other way. We both found the next lot at the same time and walked them home. Its feeling cold in that wind but thankfully most of the showers missed us.

6c 10mph SW wind chill 3c sunshine and heavy hail/rain showers.

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