
The poor cactus still isn't opening but I took a photo of it today then put it in a kaleidoscope editing program that makes it look much nicer than it is. I daren't move it in case it starts to die and not like it's new position. I think the conservatory is a bit too cold for it but I do put the heater on every day, I think it's the lack of light!!!
Went to a Christmas social this morning for the charity I volunteer for. Three of us went together which was nice and we had a lovely time. There were quizzes. We had to match pictures of Christmas food with the country and my team won!!!! We were good guessers.
Even got a walk to the shops for the first time in weeks, it was nice but very cold getting some fresh air.came home and finished my course on moons, I don't think I've learnt a lot or I can't remember it but I have seen some fantastic photos of the planets and their moons courtesy of NASA.

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