How Now Brown Cow?

More blue sky today after the rain, so decided to head for the hills and see what might be blipped.  Just a dusting of snow much further away than we wanted to drive, so it was going to be wind turbines against the sky until we saw this lot coming towards us down the narrow road!

We managed to pull over into a field entrance and watched a huge herd of beautiful ginger-brown cows with one large bull keeping a close eye on them saunter down the road, checking us out as they went.  Had to quickly grab my camera out of its bag, switch it on and take some very rushed shots through the dirty car windscreen, so not a great photo, but it was an interesting en-cow-nter!!

Got home later to discover that Simba had been attacked yet again and had a deep cut over his right eye and other wounds.  Managed to get an appointment at the vet's where he had his usual cocktail of antibiotics and painkillers and he's perked up enough this evening to want to go outside again.  No way!!  He's grounded for the weekend:-)

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