
By Bimjim4

A minor disaster.

A really bad day last week. My favourite hard-working Canon 18-135 lens jammed on me and would not let me adjust the focus. We decided that it was the lens rather than the camera which was at fault. I hoped we were right.
Took it into the camera shop in town. It would cost me 50 pounds fo have it assessed and then, if it could be tepaired, then possibly another 100 to 150 pounds for a repair.
No brainer.
Decided to shop around for a replacement and found a newer model at a heavily discounted price.
It duly arrived by courier (free deliverytoo); fitted it on the camera, tried to use it and it would not operate!!
Major concern - was it the camera after all? Had I wasted good money?
Much gloom and despondency but then realised on further examination that this later model lens has a lock on it (unlike its predecessor).
Adjusted the lock......up and running again. Hooray!!!
Such a relief!
Back in business.

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