Tow Mater

Back in 2006 Walt Disney Pictures released Cars, a computer-animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. The story was set in a world populated by anthropomorphic cars and other vehicles. The film was a hit and did well at the box office! It was nominated for two Academy Awards, including Best Animated Feature and it won the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film. A sequel, Cars 2, came out in 2011. So...I was walking around Fort Wilderness Campground early this morning, trying to gear my head up for leaving when I spotted this cart. All week I've been seeing Golf Carts gussied up for the Holidays with lights, music, even Christmas trees complete with presents secured on top. But this one is my very favorite! He was zipping along at a bit of a clip so I was fortunate to get this shot. I would have loved to had gotten the man and his little boy looking my way but...  :) I just love the 'duelies' on the rear axel!
 'Extra Shot'...yours truly with Tara in front of Ft. Wilderness sign. Connie took the shot! 
Home safe! Best Weekend Ever to all of you!

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