Those three horses stood stock-still all the time.
We had gone to the Diemelhöhe for our walk. Our path went along the manege, where many horses were outside. Almost all were eating. There stood one horse alone, stock-still too. and in a corner the three of my picture. The extra photo shows the other horses.
A bit further there was a gathering of dogs with their owners, not for school-time now, (I think that is on Wednesdays) but for celebrating.
It did think me back at the time when we went with our dog Moby to such a school, and he was the most mischieveous of all.
The weather was pleasant for a walk, and we went all over the plain and back,
In the morning I had cleaned the bathroom, not a big one it is, but all marble tiles (that is how it already was when we bought the house) and a bit neglected lately. I managed to finish before our lunch.

My haiku:

We had the same idea
To stand close but not too close
That's the way we like

And the proverb:

Cradle straws are scarce  out of his breath.

1678  Ray  346

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