
By Fisherking


I think the last four months have finally caught up with me.

It probably began yesterday when I realised there's only 5 more work days until I retire.

It was confirmed this morning when I went to the tackle shop for bait for tomorrow's Christmas match.......Shaun's greeting was "Morning, Jeez you look f*cking awful, are you ok?".................

and again when the post arrived with a letter from the Authority informing me I was entitled to a long service award....and could I please chose what I wanted to the value of £xxx before Friday!............

and again when Shaun phoned to check I really was ok..........

and again when I ordered the Boss' Christmas present and realised it was the last one I'd buy for her

and again when I arranged some surprises for work colleagues

and  especially when we got the Christmas decorations out of the loft....

It was a bit of a teary afternoon.

Das vidanya moy padruga

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