Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Xmas with friends

Xmas meal with the badminton group tonight. It's 2:30 a.m. and I've just managed to post my photo. I started around 12:30, but bloody Windows is soooooo slow it has taken this long to get the final image prepared., What a pile of crap Windows is as an operating system. 

Anyway, that aside, it was a great evening and I think secret Santa excelled himself tonight. Everyone received gifts that they were happy with, the food was acceptable, the wine was good and the company even better. Not much more I could ask for really.

Did a bit of Xmas visiting today. Called in on my elder sister Kim, missed Lorraine as she was at work and then called in on uncle Alan, one of my dad's brothers. A little over 2 years since I last saw him and he seems to have aged quite a bit in that time. I was a little shocked truth be told. It was really nice to talk to him though. I think in older age, he has become so much like my dad, or maybe I just wanted to see the similarities now that dad is no longer here. Either way, it was good to catch up, and I did feel a connection with dad that I have missed since he passed away almost 5 years ago now.

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