Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish


My new favourite breakfast dish, bacon, peppers, tomatoes, chili, cumin, garlic, paprika and coriander with an egg on top. I had it in a deli on Saturday and went straight out and brought myself a little skillet so that I could make it myself. Tasty.

You may recall that I questioned the madness of my neighbors who had their driveway extended but then only parked one of their three cars on it. Well yesterday a driver lost control of his car and smashed into one of my neighbors cars that was parked on the road. Car's a write off. After that you would think they would have learned their lesson and put all of the cars on the drive but no, still one car on the road and one on the drive, parked diagonally as if to make a statement. Oh it makes a statement alright, 'look how stupid I am'.

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