Vegetable delight!

Thinking ahead to traditional Christmas lunchtimes, no table spread is complete without Brussels Sprouts.   Love them, or hate them they are as much part of festive mealtime tradition as the turkey.
As a kid I guess I hated them, and they would always roll around the plate, as the last thing to be eaten — and if I thought I could get away with it, left on the plate when it was time to clear away.  They were in my mind akin to cabbage, and I didn’t like cabbage either!
How times change, palates develop, and tastes mature!  Today I freely admit that sprouts are one of my favourite vegetables and they are as much an essential part of the festive lunchtime plate as the turkey, stuffing and roast potatoes.
The nutritionists tell us how good they are for the diet, containing high levels of vitamins, although often tempered with a warning that they should be only eaten in moderation.
But I couldn’t resist buying a generous handful today on my visit to the supermarket. I am not even sure that we will have a roast for Sunday lunch.

Come to think of it, for the last few Christmas Day meals we have managed to avoid roast turkey as well, yet undoubtedly it will feature somewhere in the menu during the 12 days of Christmas between Christmas Eve and Epiphany, when again by tradition we take down the festive decorations.

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