Tree of choice!

I know you cannot beat a real Christmas tree to decorate your home, but for several years now I’ve cheated.
While we still enjoy having a tree in the house this time of year,  we have chosen an artificial tree as the centre piece of home decorations.
For a number of years we did buy a freshly cut tree each yea, and for a number of years we were thrilled to receive one sent to us by friends. In fact they also sent a young sapling which we planted in the garden, and we still have it, although now taking on a much more mature image than when it was planted.
Even so, I well remember how quickly the tree began to shed its greenery, and should we be away for a couple of days over the festive period, you could bet your life we would return to a green needle-covered carpet and virtually bare tree.
So some time ago, I decided enough was enough.  I pocketed my pride and invested in an artificial tree.  Since then there have been several, and each served its purpose well,  The one still nestling in the loft we have had for a few years, and I am sure would have managed another year.
But I opted to buy a new one this year, one of those already rigged up with a string of lights which are supposed to be of the low energy type, and  which will serve us a good few Christmases yet. Well, that’s the theory.
Even so I still had a tinge of envy when I passed by the real Christmas tress being prepared for buyers at the supermarket today.

But then I remembered, I won’t need to get the vacuum cleaner to our present one.  Conscience satisfied!

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