
By CharlotteJ

We have had a fab day, local market, mile run, lunch on our deck, walk to the station and a walk around the city waiting for the parade…. but things got slightly tense!  We watched the Christmas parade, I loved every second.  Not every day you see Camels being paraded around town!!  The tense part was………………I witnessed a guy pull a girl by the hair, knee her in the instincts took over..... The girl got away but I called to her, she came to me. She was shaken, she had bruises around her throat. I told her my name, she refused to tell me hers, she told me she wanted to go home. I offered to help her be safe.....then her boyfriend let rip verbally!! I saw red!! Him and I came to verbal blows, Chris pulling me away, being my reason of calm.... but no this guy was no point did this guy make me feel threatened.....I hope his girlfriend realises girls can stand up to bullies!!! Sadly, the girl got into a cab with the jerk........I feel sad for her and I feel sad that I couldn't help her, but I'm glad for a brief moment she knew I was a friend. I will never forget the fear in her eyes. There is a lesson here for me, I now just need to figure out why this situation presented itself and what can I do?

Tomorrow after various meetings Chris and I head back to Melbourne.  

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