
By amberelli

Line Up...

So I have quite a lot to talk about...

Today I went on a college bridging course where I got to go into college and take part in some lessons that I was interested in taking when I go there in September.

First thing I met up with a friend who I knew from primary school, Scott because I knew that we had photography together and we didnt want to walk in alone. I haven't actually seen or spoken face to face with Scott for around 5 ish years now because we didnt go to the same secondary school. I thought it was going to be a one of them: ok so we talk on facebook, havent spoken in person for what? 5 years? there gonna be an arkwardness? hmmmmmmmmm

But it wasn't! :D It was just as awesome as it used to be when we were like 10 :)

I got to do photography for an hour and a half which was actually awesome, however when we got asked if anyone was on a photograph sharing site, I said Blipfoto and everyone kinda gave me that 'like we care' look. I mean no-one in the room knew what Blip was and I looked like a complete idiot. But it was still fun. As well as that though there were a few know-it-alls who thought they were like David Bailey or something, I mean come on, I dont call myself a photographer, because at 16 i'm not by any means. Which usually means that you aren't either. I don't care if you have a £2000 DSLR, I'm happy with my little bridge thank you very much...

After that we went to dinner and I walked to the shops, which felt weird because we normally dont at school with us not being allowed.

Then, after dinner I had product design which was pretty cool to be fair. The tutor, Mark, is totally fit and reminds me of Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. We had to make a table today haha. Mine failed but it was fun. In that class there were these 3 boys who thought they were good enough to create the world and then 4 girls who had enough make-up on to cover the world. Very weird.

During that lesson I had my phone ring so when I got out I rang Bron back. It was her asking me if I could go round hers tomorrow and stay in the shop while she takes Amy to the fracture clinic...the poor kid has fractured her Humerus right near the shoulder playing football yesterday. So there's me shop sitting :')

Well I have baby sat, caught up with old friends, forgot to have tea so am now eating a curry at this time of night haha

Catch you all later

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