
By amberelli


NEVER do English Language at the college i'm going to! Thank God for these two taster days because I now know how boring, hard, and awful it is. For a young woman the tutor had the most monotone, boring and droning voice. Arghhhhh

So, leaving that asside...Today I worked in Bron's pet shop for about an hour, on my own, with scary bugs and frozen rats :( It was mega terrifying because I didn't know what to tell people when they asked me about cat brushes and I really didn't want to break the till. But I was actually fine (other than the bugs)

Afte that I went back to Bron's with Amy, who had been to the fracture clinic while I was minding the shop...yep, she's broken her arm, the top of her Humerus, poor Turtle. So tonight we decided to do the cinnamon challenge to take her mind off things. It was HILARIOUS! Keep your eyes open tomorrow when I edit this description as I will put the link on the bottom when it's on youtube.

We have decided that we are gonna set up a youtube account together called 'turtleandrelli' (turtle + amberelli = turtle and relli) if it lets us. We're going to do 1 challenge a week hopefully. Starting with the upload of today's cinnamon challenge, we plan to do:
- Coke + mentos
- Bicarbonate of soda + vinegar
- Hot chilli pepper

All suggestions will be taken on board, bearing in mind she is only 11 and we don't want any dangerous ones! Thanks :)

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