On Frozen Pond

Today has been incredibly grey for most of the day. The cloud would lift in small bursts and then fold back in again, putting the cloud ceiling almost on our heads - well that's how it felt anyway.

We decided to head back in the same direction we'd gone yesterday, but to go further south. We took a detour into Lake Ohau - don't believe the sign at the turnoff that says there are toilets and that you can buy food. The public toilets were locked and the food was only available to people staying at the lodge.

By the time we made it to Omarama I was desparate for a facililties stop and my stomach was gurgling. Mind you my chicken burger with apricot sauce was well worth the wait!

On the way home we stopped at Kelland Ponds and went for a walk. Perfect weather for walking Stupid weather for walking - minus 1 celc - brrrr! Lovely walk though and lots of photos to take. This photo shows ice flowers on the frozen pond. Brrrr again.

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