In My World

By JoanneInOz


There is a very large lake not that far away from my home, and I knew there to be ducks inhabiting the lake, so today my son and I (he is still on school holidays) went for a drive to see if they were relatives of my backyard visitors, or another variety altogether.

The extended family that we met at the lake are "Pacific Black Ducks", and in New Zealand are known as "Gray Ducks". Considering the majority of the duck's feathers are brown, both names are quite puzzling!

We took bread to coax the birds to come closer. I don't think the bread was really necessary though as they were very tame.

The three in the photo looked very orderly, floating together, having a little pow-wow amongst themselves.

Also at the lake were some very interesting looking water-fowls, which will be a blip for another day.

Just so's you all know, today's photo is straight out of the camera. :)

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