Winter in the mountains.

Out of over 200 photos that I took today, this was the one that jumped out at me the most. I'm on a short holiday in the Blue Mountains, where there are four separate seasons (I know this from first hand experience, as I grew up in this area!) as opposed to hot weather which turns slightly cooler for about two months during winter where I live in the north of New South Wales.

Look at the colour of those leaves!! I miss the changing colour of the trees when the weather cools, and the leaves later dropping to the ground before regrowth appears during spring. Nature is magical at the best of times, but even more so in a cold climate area.

This photo was taken at the lake in Wentworth Falls. I have happy childhood memories of visiting the lake with a school friend, whose brothers had remote control boats which they played with on the lake. I still keep in touch with that friend, so must ask her if she remembers those days....

I'm heading back north again tomorrow morning and won't be home until Friday, so I will be back-blipping when I get home to my trusty home internet connection. Meanwhile, I have a few more hours to enjoy the winter weather. :)

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