Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

The Right to Bear Arms

I got a present!!! Isn't he adorable?

I went to see Tim this weekend and this is what he surprised me with. I love it. Last time I was given a stuffed animal I was probably 13, but I still love him. I plan an sleeping with this bear every night that I can't sleep with Tim. Which will obviously be a lot. I hope he doesn't get jealous. :P I wish his boots were a bit softly, but there really are no complaints. I heard through the grapevine that you aren't supposed to look a gift horse in the mouth. The only way I could be more cliched is if I were a romantic comedy.

I'll be sad once the weekend ends, but I'm glad I can spend a few nights in the arms of my boy.

"Love the one you're with."

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