
By spitzimixi


this pig decided to have a go on the swing today, being in her field obviously wasn't good enough.
I've spent the day since lunchtime trying to contain her - fix the fence, walk away, she follows me, repeat process....she's found the dog bowl as well and loves the dog-müesli. The dog is bewildered. Since he's been on a diet he's only eating the healthy stuff very grudgingly and looks longing at me in the hope that his source of kitchen scraps is about to be reinstated. Instead he gets long runs to the river and back and müesli to share with a pig. He probably can't believe that anyone would want to eat that stuff.
He was doing really well at pig-herding up to the moment when he just got pissed off, bit the pig, pig panicked and got herself tangled up in the electric fence and I then had to unscramble her (including her ear tag which was wrapped around the fence and being ripped out). The dog barked and howled all the way through me handling the pig and the pig squealed like a....stuck pig. And the other pig tried to eat me. I came in for lunch, still wearing office clothes, covered in mud and pig shit.
My revenge was plotting their feeding chart and writing their slaughter date into the calendar.

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