public humiliation

yesterday, ma-in-law told me that my garden was a horrible disgrace. So, I thought the best thing to do would be to present it in public, don my sackcloth, cover myself in ashes and then go and pay the bills and wash the floors while everyone else goes swimming (I don't deserve such treats).

This is my vegetable garden (which may surprise you). Ma-in-law used to have a veg garden too - it was full of bare earth, slug pellets and straight lines on bored looking plants. She never cooked any of her veg, she used to give them to me and I would say thanks and chuck them in my compost, because they were gross. I'm experimenting with a low-tillage, no weeding system that should attract plenty of wildlife (it does, even a hedgehog has moved in!) whilst producing plenty of food. It's not doing too bad, though the chickens tend to eat all leafy veg which leaves us with stalky veg to eat - next year I'll be tackling that problem!!

I'm not sure if you can cope with worse bits of garden but, well, apparently, the bit around the pond is the worst bit. While I was out taking photos a load of horrible dragonflies came and sat around on my nasty plants but I had no chance of getting them blipped with only a 55mm lens!! I'll try again later but first I must do penance for my gardening sins.

I'm sorry. Mea culpa.

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