The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Busy feet...

We have had a family of busy feet today.

I went to work to earn some money...meetings, presenting to 400 new parents, interviewing and dealing with numerous issues. A normal day really.

The girls and Rags have been chasing fact at one point Paul thought Rags has met his maker when he didn't reappear. But he did when he heard the purr of the Z4 as I pulled in to the driveway!

Paul has been running and cleaning and gardening and sorting and dusting and shopping and driving and...well I'm knackered just thinking about it! Bex had an interview for a summer job prior to starting Uni which sounds promising...fingers crossed she gets lots of hours.

We had lovely tea together tonight and now we are all settled in the lounge on various iPads and still seems strange having comapny and conversation...I'm not complaining though!!

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