The morning after....

This is how children who've partied till midnight look! To their credit, they were all fabulous. Just took a while to get them going. Sad times as today was pack up and go day. But they did well. We managed to get in for a swim  before I had to take Katie back for afternoon school. Katie and Max had such a wonderful time together in the pool, happily water-wrestling. Katie's confidence with that kind of play was lovely to see. It was kind of sad though as it always takes her and max a couple of days to become inseparable again, where her and Edie instantly click back into it, and it was time to go home!! She absolutely broke her heart saying goodbye, even though this isn't the "goodbye for a long time". She cried in the changing rooms then cried the whole way back, it was so sad. That's how much she adores them. 

She did stop when she went into school, though wrestling her out the car was interesting. She liked that she got to see the end of term film and collect her Christmas treats and creations. We came home and did a bit of Christmas shopping and some snuggling with a film. She was really pleased to be home to her piano though! 

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