Busy busy!

Today didn't start too early, after last night! (Went out, had a really good night despite being rang to go into work just as I was walking out the door! On this occasion I declined...) 

We still managed to get quite a bit done though!
First off we put a deep cleaning fluid through the washing machine - hopefully it will work better now.

I then went into town to get some large gift bags to put the Grandsons' presents in a the main ones (wheeled suitcases!) are too big to wrap! (I know that sounds boring but they do have characters on, and are to complement their main present from their Mum and Stepdad of a holiday in Disneyland, Paris!)

Anyway it was windy today and keeping control of the bags was fun - especially whilst trying to get a Blip! I took several scenery shots, but decided to go with this shot of a saxophone-playing busker as it makes a change from the usual!

Then home to try to sort a present out for Jae! He did want Arsenal tickets but that proved impossible, so onto plan B - a mobile phone! This proved almost impossible! 

Once we found one he liked that didn't break the bank, I set up an account with one particular site which took ages (Password must have between 8 and 20 characters including upper case, lower case, number, punctuation mark and a Klingon character...incomprehensible Captchas to decipher to "prove I'm not a robot", etc., etc.)  only to find, once all that was done, the phone was out of stock!

So another site, more hoops to jump through and a higher price for the same phone...duly ordered on Click and Collect. Only to find out there will be a wait of at least 2 days and I will have to show photo id to collect it! I really hope they will accept my Citizen card or I'm screwed!

 Am I the only person in the World with no passport or photo driving licence? And I'm sure if I'd gone to buy the phone in the shop and paid on credit card (as I did online!)  they wouldn't want photo id!

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