
By Lenore


Today has been a tough mixture of a long, slow breakfast, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.... it's been hard going...  Just what the doctor ordered and we are fully, fully relaxed.  

This afternoon we went into the local town, which was an experience and not one we entirely enjoyed, but it did mean we were in charge of our own dinner.  Our friends all went off for restaurant dinner - which is essentially an expensive school dinner - as we were left cooking on our single gas burner, rustling up something that was delicious.  Given we had just the one gas burner, it was a bit of a mission, but worked just fine.  

This is the boy at breakfast time, he loves breakfast and we had a lovely time playing and eating (mostly eating, then playing) over our long, leisurely morning.  By the end, he was filthy as it seems way more fun to crawl around on the grass than the blanket provided.  I've resigned myself to having a boy who is probably going to be fitly dirty most of the time.  

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