Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Tomorrow's delight

Manic day today. Busy all day trying to get all the usual end of month reports out, but, this month it is year end and everyone's bonud depends on the results. Almost there with still just a bit left to do tomorrow. That's fortunate as I'm supposed to be on a day's leave.
We have tickets for the ODI at Edgebaston, but, the weather is looking none too good.

This evening has been a photo club evening with three of us running through various levels of processing techniques using PS, LR etc.

Just back without a blip so was beginning to wonder where I can dream something up when I walked into the kitchen to find tomorrow's lunch - a smoked salmon souffle. That just needed a quick shot before it was put into the fridge for the night. Have to say, it looks just too good to leave.

The evening has been dragged down with bad news of a friend, neighbour and photo club pal of 25 years.

19 years ago Andy was diagnosed with a brain tumour. He had many ops then and was gravely ill but recovered to lead an almost normal and extremely independant life. A few months ago he started to deteriorate after a fall. A few weeks ago it was confirmed that his tumour had come back. Last week he had revolutionary surgery in Sheffield and was home on Wednesday. All was looking as good as we could expect. Thusday night saw him re-admitted with fluid on the brain. He has since deteriorated and again is very ill.

Andy - we know you are a fighter. All your friends and neighbours are thinking about you, Pauline and your children.

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