Learning day by day

By EmmaF


It slipped out of my hand and hit a table. Gutted as it was given to the kids a few years ago and I carefully wrap it in bubble wrap every year. Am on the search for a replacement already.

The plan today (Carys swimming with one of her Besties) went out the window when we had a completely flat tyre, compounded by a flat battery after inflating said tyre to get to the garage! Two garages later we had a new tyre but still a dodgy battery. Luckily we have bought a new starter pack, phew.

Poor Carys, we headed into town for the Christmas market, but failed to find it. I made it up to her with a take out hot chocolate. Back home she started making a bracelet, it took her a couple of hours and it isn't finished yet...

Will came back from N&P's full of it. I will have to work out a way to tire him out tomorrow. It is pouring down right now, hoping it is dry by tomorrow. A day in the house with him could be hard work!

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