Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Will and I headed off on the train to Letchworth to investigate a shop recommended by Anne. It was a triumph. Not only did I replace, with a very close replica, the bird I smashed yesterday but the kids got a bauble each. Well Will chose himself one and then chose this ballerina for Carys. When she saw it this evening she was really pleased and said she couldn't have chosen better herself.

When we got back we found the car still wouldn't start, even though the battery had been on charge the whole night. Hence an emergency trip back to the garage to have a new battery fitted. Will was amazingly well behaved both at the Christmas shop and at the garage, despite being so excited that he didn't stop talking to breath all day. Anyone would think something exciting is going to happen in a couple of days!

When we got back I offered to bake with Will, but he decided he would rather watch a film (Cars) so he did that, Jim backed up my journal using Bliprip (which seems successful at the moment), and I crocheted while keeping Will company.

Carys came back from N&P's bouncing, Will went to bed quite well and so did Carys, once she had calmed down. All my jobs have been done, so just Christmas eve to enjoy.

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