Celebrating Mum

Dad and I have spent a gentle day remembering Mum, who passed away 2 years ago on Christmas Eve. There were a few tears but mostly smiles and laughter as we shared memories and felt glad for the richness of our lives.

Around the time she passed away we stood beside the tranquil Heathcote River. Dad noticed a small female sparrow on the ground close to his feet. She came even closer, eyed us up and chirped. She flew around us and then landed on a nearby branch before chirping and taking flight. It was a wonderful and mysterious few moments, and we both felt its significance.

After coffee and a few errands, we had a long lunch at the Tannery. In its pre-quake life, Mitchelli's cafe was a favourite of Mum and Dad's. It was the perfect place to be today, complete with Spanish cider.

It's been a good day, and I'm glad I spent today with Dad.


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