Today's Special

By Connections

Merry Christmas Across the Miles!

It's just after 10 p.m. on Christmas Eve in the Pacific Northwest as I write this, and no doubt some of my UK friends are already awake on Christmas Day, especially if there are small grandchildren around!

I've chosen two from Phil's reindeer herd to make their home with us, and the others are wrapped and ready to bring good cheer to our respective offspring and my sister. We hope they will be family treasures.

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:21) 

I've donated to Blipfuture, and hope you have too, as this is a unique community of people who care deeply about each other, even if they never meet in person. The latest update reported that 614 people have contributed through share sales and donations; I hope every one of my "followers" are among them, or will be soon!

Blip 1439

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