My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Best Friends

Alfie and Charlie really are best friends, never far from each other, when Alfie is at home that is.
It's been a really enjoyable day with my son and his family and a delicious Christmas dinner too.  
Just before dark Steven and I took Charlie for a walk which turned out hilarious at my expense.   The land is water logged and somewhat slippery but we were getting on fine until we had to jump over a ditch.   I asked Steven how deep the water was and his answer was 'Not very', I jumped but landed on some mud and slid very inelegantly down 2 feet of bank into the water which reached to the top of my wellies, I couldn't move for laughing and Steven was too.   Charlie was most concerned and Steven just managed to stop him jumping in after me.   I had to walk through the stream getting wet feet until I got to thicker grass on the banks so my boots had more substance to grip.   I don't think we have laughed so much together for ages.   

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