
We had a wonderful day today!! We have now started our little Christmas holiday. We packed up very early and headed to Grandads to drop the bunnies off in their holiday hutch. We then went to see Max, Edie and Myles for a happy morning just playing at Nannans. We let the children swap their presents today so they could all enjoy them together and so they could enjoy them for the next couple of days before they go away to various places. They all had lunch together and Katie, Edie and Myles had a great time playing under the dining table with Lucy the dog and Lenny the puppy. 

We then headed to see The Harts in Bridlington for festive food, music, fun and more good company. We went back to Grandad's to see Uncle Simon for a little while and have a bit of tea with them. Already well into the "enjoy lots of yummy extra treats" phase of Christmas! 

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