An eye on nature...

By Wendybee

The young squirrel chasing the nuts!

Those hazelnuts do roll off easily... Today we've had incredible changing weather, I got this shot during a tiny period of strong sunshine, before the heavens opened and more water poured down. Blondie was around briefly too today but rushed off before I could Blip him.

Fun large to see his wavy tufty ears, and whiskers.

Ooops! I see now that this is my 500th Blip, I'm amazed at how addictive Blipping is. I've not been very good at keeping up with the commenting lately, but hopefully my computer will behave a bit better now and won't keep seizing up in the middle of when I'm online. Blipfoto is such fun and certainly a place to learn a lot as well as making friends.

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