I hope Pip’s feet are not smelly!!

We have heard that R has got to Gatwick without any traffic problems and will fly out mid-afternoon. We won’t hear from her again until next Sunday when she arrives back. During the week she will climb Mt Toubkal in the Atlas Mountains.

She is accompanied by LEO . He is safely packed in the sleeping bag we made for him on Christmas night.

Pippa and Lottie are sleeping comfortably, except when I go out to the garden or garage when Lottie has to accompany me.

I’ve got a list of jobs to do with priorities. This is an early blip (for me) as I have to back up my laptop ready for a move from Windows to an Apple Mac. I should be enthusiastic…..I will be in the end….but!!!

I just need to remind myself that the old laptop is chocka, the battery only gives me about 30mins working time when off mains, it is ancient and I don’t want to move to Windows 10. 

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