A New Camera & A Glass Of Fizz In My Hand....

A lovely Christmas Day...a morning with a new camera and a glass of fizz in my hand makes for a perfect start to the day. This is a very special bottle of  'Wine Of Fire'' and yes it is orange, sparkling and irredescent and we got it when we went to the Good Food Show in November...oh and it tasted good too!

It was a strange day, having Christmas at Mum's without Mum was bittersweet, but the rest of us were there and we know she would have loved it. I got some very special presents but one that really touched was from my very close friend K. We have never bought each other presents before, but often joke that we should take each others husbands Christmas shopping as we would buy better presents..so this year, we decided we would treat each other. K filled a very special gap as she knew that there were certain gifts that Mum always used to get me and so when I opened my box to find some very familiar hair products, it really made me smile...

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